Simple Explanation of Monergism

Synergism vs. Monergism

Monergism simply means that it is God who gives ears to hear and eyes to see. It is God alone who gives illumination and understanding of His word that we might believe; It is God who raises us from the dead, who circumcises the heart; unplugs our ears; It is God alone who can give …

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Synergism vs. Monergism

Synergism vs. Monergism

Synergism is the doctrine that the act of being born again is achieved through a combination of human will and divine grace. In Christian theology, SYNERGISM is the belief that salvation involves some form of cooperation between divine grace and human freedom. Synergism is when we cooperate with God for salvation. Synergism is upheld by …

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Without Christ – J. C. Ryle

Without Christ by J. C. Ryle - Ephesians 2_1-10

“You were without Christ.”- Ephesians 2:12 THE text which heads this paper describes the state of the Ephesians before they became Christians. But that is not all. It describes the state of every man and woman in England who is not converted to God. A more miserable state cannot be conceived! It is bad enough …

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A. W. Tozer: Arminian Mystic

Catholic Mystics and A. W. Tozer

A. W. Tozer the Arminian “Redemption is an objective fact. It is a work potentially saving, wrought for man, but done independent of and exterior to the individual. Christ’s work on Calvary made atonement for every man, but it did not save any man.” “Universal atonement makes salvation universally available, but it does not make …

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