Martyn Lloyd-Jones Interview December 1970

Martyn Lloyd Jones Interview December 1970

Martyn Lloyd-Jones interviewed December 1970. Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) was a Conservative Evangelical who stood steadfast for the authority of Scripture. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ preaching style was set apart by his sound exposition of biblical doctrine and his fire and passion in its delivery. Focused on the Sovereignty of God and the Glory of God. Martyn …

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John Wesley Deceitful Action Against Augustus Toplady

John Wesley Deceitful Action Against Augustus Toplady

John Wesley’ deceitful action against Augustus Toplady: John Wesley, an Arminian, had taken a pamphlet published by Augustus Toplady, a Calvinist, in which Toplady had translated, from Latin, an excerpt from Jerome Zanchius’ “Absolute Predestination.” John Wesley manifestly changed the meaning of the pamphlet; disclaiming the doctrines of grace. When John Wesley distributed his pamphlet …

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Christian Tradesmen

Christian Tradesmen Business

Christian Tradesmen. A very large number of our church members are engaged in the pursuits of trade, manufacturing, or commerce; and from their very calling are exposed to peculiar dangers, which must be met with proportionate vigilance. It is highly incumbent upon them to take care against a worldly spirit. They are in extreme peril …

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Comfortable and Tolerant Church

Once upon a time in the land called Feel Good there was a Church. This new Church was called “The Church of the Comfortable and Tolerant”. Very recently this Church hired a new Pastor, Pastor Peace Keeper, who just graduated from the Seminary of Smooth Talking. The congregation “of the Comfortable and Tolerant” loved the …

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