Clarity of Scripture – Part 5

5. McLaren and Conservative Evangelicals Fifth, McLaren strongly criticizes those who believe that the Bible can be interpreted clearly. This criticism is most sharply leveled at Reformed conservatives–namely, those who are most committed to the clear teachings of Scripture, and the propositional truths found in the Bible. For example, McLaren compares the five points of …

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Superficial Shallow Gospel Presentations

Weak, self-centered, trivial, superficial, shallow gospel presentations do not bring people to a true knowledge of the gospel, do not bring them to true salvation, but they make some kind of response to that superficiality and when there is no real transformation in their lives, they depart thinking that they’re inadequate understanding was an adequate …

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Deceitfulness of the Heart

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.” Jeremiah 17:9. True and faithful is the testimony of God. Men may amuse themselves and their fellow creatures with empty, high sounding descriptions of the dignity of human nature, and the all-sufficient powers of man; but every humble, every truly enlightened mind, will see and …

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