Church of England Ageing Congregations

Will ageing congregations be the death of the Anglican Church of England?

Some in its midst fear the answer to that question is yes.

Anglican Church of England Investment Fund

Andreas Whittam Smith, the overseer of the Church of England Investment Fund, told the General Synod yesterday that the Church of England was facing a “crisis” with its ageing demographic. He expressed concern that there would be no Church of England left as ageing members start to die out in the next few decades. He likened the Church of England to large companies that “perfectly and impeccably manage themselves into failure.” He suggested that not all Anglicans were fully aware of the scale of the crisis facing the Church of England.

Conservative Anglicans U.S. Propose England Clergy Swap

Conservative Anglicans in North America are inviting priests in the Church of England to take part in a clergy swap as a show of solidarity. Formed last year by conservative Anglicans who broke away from The Episcopal Church, the Anglican Church in North America is proposing the swap in the wake of the consecration of …

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Rowan Williams: Forced to Recant criticism of Irish Catholics

Following yesterday’s article “Anglican Leader: Irish Church lost all credibility” Andrew Johnson of  The Independent on Sunday, April 4, 2010, writes: Archbishop of Canterbury marks Easter by adding to his long catalogue of gaffes and clangers An extraordinary war of words between the Catholic and Protestant churches culminated yesterday in the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr …

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Anglican Leader: Irish Church lost all credibility

LONDON – The Roman Catholic Church in Ireland has lost all credibility because of its mishandling of abuse by priests, the leader of the Anglican church said in remarks released Saturday.  A leading Catholic archbishop said he was “stunned” by the comments. The remarks released Saturday marked the first time Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams …

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Vatican: Defiant Irish Cardinal in Silence Victims Scandal

Storm over revelations that cleric helped to silence victims of paedophile priest By David McKittrick, Ireland Correspondent Tuesday, 16 March 2010 The head of the Catholic church in Ireland yesterday rejected growing pressure to resign over his involvement in the country’s latest clerical child abuse scandal, insisting that he would stand down only on the …

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