John Wesley Deceitful Action Against Augustus Toplady

John Wesley Deceitful Action Against Augustus Toplady

John Wesley’ deceitful action against Augustus Toplady: John Wesley, an Arminian, had taken a pamphlet published by Augustus Toplady, a Calvinist, in which Toplady had translated, from Latin, an excerpt from Jerome Zanchius’ “Absolute Predestination.” John Wesley manifestly changed the meaning of the pamphlet; disclaiming the doctrines of grace. When John Wesley distributed his pamphlet …

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Righteousness of Christ – Augustus Toplady

As Christ’s righteousness is the only merit that can exalt us to the presence and to the kingdom of God; so that doctrine alone is to be considered as evangelical which depresses the righteousness of man, and exalts the righteousness of Christ: leading us to trust, not on what we do, but singly on what He has done and suffered for us.