J.C. Ryle: There is a Devil

The Character and Intention of the Devil

There is a devil! We have a mighty invisible enemy always near us–one who never slumbers and never sleeps–one who is about our path and about our bed, and spies out all our ways, and will never leave us until we die. He is a murderer! His great aim and object is, to ruin us forever and kill our souls. To destroy, to rob us of eternal life, to bring us down to the second death in hell, are the things for which he is unceasingly working. He is ever going about, seeking whom he may devour. He is a liar!

History of The English Bible

History of The English Bible commences with the first hand-written English language Bible manuscripts of the complete Bible produced by John Wycliffe. John Wycliffe, John Hus, The Lollards, and Roman Catholic Church AD 1382 The first hand-written English language Bible manuscripts of the complete Bible were produced by John Wycliffe (1320-1384), an Oxford professor, scholar, and theologian. …

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