Hold Fast That Which Is Good

Hold Fast J.C. Ryle (1816-1900) “Hold fast that which is good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21 There are few things in religion which men are so ready to forget as the duty of “contending earnestly for the faith,” and holding fast the truth. Controversy is seldom popular. Most men like a quiet life in religion. They dislike …

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Evangelicals Challenged to Preach Bold Hard Truth

In a climate where dogmatism is the new heresy, many evangelicals have backed away from bold preaching while “freely imbibing” the spirit of the postmodern age, says one well-known minister. “It seems that zeal for the essential doctrines of biblical Christianity has become virtually as unacceptable among evangelicals and post-evangelicals as it always has been …

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Faith Undone (4)

The Evangelization of Eucharistic Adoration The Roman Catholic Church has a plan to establish the Kingdom of God here on Earth and win the world to the Roman Catholic Jesus – the Eucharist Christ.  It is believed the “triumph of the Eucharist” will be accomplished when the world (including the separated brethren) come under the …

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