Rap That Showtime Religion

Can the church fight apathy and materialism by feeding people’s appetite for entertainment? Evidently many in the church believe the answer is yes, as church after church jumps on the show-business bandwagon. It is a troubling trend that is luring many otherwise orthodox churches away from biblical priorities. Church buildings are being constructed like theaters. …

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Spurgeon on Religious Pluralism

A thousand lying religions may sleep peaceably in one bed, but wherever the Christian religion goes as the truth, it is like fire brand, and it abideth nothing that is not more substantial than the wood, the hay, and the stubble of carnal error. C.H. Spurgeon Read the book of God for yourself. “But some …

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The Shack author Awarded Honorary Degree

PORTLAND, Ore. – Warner Pacific recognized alumnus and best-selling author William Paul Young ’78 with an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree during Winter Commencement ceremonies, Dec. 19, at New Hope Community Church, in Portland. Young is the author of the international best-selling book “The Shack,” which has over ten million copies in print and has …

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Religious Relativism

By Paul Proctor May 23, 2004 NewsWithViews.com How many of you have heard that a church is built on relationships? According to a Pastors.com article by Rick Warren; after polling a group of church members, a friend of his told him he discovered that 93% of the people joined because of the pastor but that …

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10 Scriptural Reasons Not To Follow Rick Warren

Rick Warren Purpose Driven Movement. Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven movement has, in a relatively short period of time, become what TIME magazine has referred to as a “Purpose Driven empire.”1 The word empire is defined in the dictionary as “supreme rule; absolute power or authority; dominion.” It also means “an extensive social or economic organization …

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