C.H. Spurgeon Worldly Preaching – John MacArthur

Last year, I listened to the following video excerpt from a DVD entitled “Does the Truth Matter Anymore?” published by CrossTV, wherein, John MacArthur critiques worldly preaching as he reminds us of the high cost men like Spurgeon were willing to pay to stand up for strong, biblical, Christ-centered teaching – Biblical Truth.

Worldliness – C. H. Spurgeon

Worldliness: It is clear to every one who is willing to see it that laxity of doctrine is either the parent of worldliness, or is in some other way very near akin to it. The men who give up the old faith are the same persons who plead for latitude as to general conduct. The …

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Without Holiness No Man Shall See The Lord

Holiness is always present in those who are loyal guests of the great King, for “without holiness no man shall see the Lord.” (Hebrews 12:14) Too many professors pacify themselves with the idea that they possess imputed righteousness, while they are indifferent to the sanctifying work of the Spirit. They refuse to put on the …

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This Must Be a Soldiers Battle

Finding ourselves in a community which had no articles of faith, and seeing deadly error rising up, we had no course but to withdraw. Whether others think fit to do so or not is no part of our responsibility; but nothing can free any true believer from the duty of maintaining pure and undefiled religion …

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A Just God

Jesus Christ, the Messiah, took the dealth penalty on our behalf. By shedding His blood on the cross, Jesus took the punishment we deserve, substitutionary atonement (Isaiah 53:4-5), and offered us His righteousness through salvation in Him alone. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKArFumTkFE Video presentation of sermon by C.H. Spurgeon.