A. W. Tozer: Arminian Mystic

Catholic Mystics and A. W. Tozer

A. W. Tozer the Arminian “Redemption is an objective fact. It is a work potentially saving, wrought for man, but done independent of and exterior to the individual. Christ’s work on Calvary made atonement for every man, but it did not save any man.” “Universal atonement makes salvation universally available, but it does not make …

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Inerrancy Summit Day One

  Inerrancy Summit – Day One – commenced with an opening address from John MacArthur. John MacArthur began by reminiscing about the meetings that led up to the 1978 Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy. In an ironic turn of events, John left those meetings—where the Word of God was faithfully exalted—only to fly back to …

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Piper Leaves Megachurch with Hope for Revival

Pastor John Piper began his eight-month leave this past weekend. Now filling the empty pulpit at Bethlehem Baptist Church is Kenny Stokes, who had been on a sabbatical these past several months. Stokes, who previously served as the church’s Downtown Campus pastor, was approved unanimously by the elders at the Minneapolis church last week to …

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Most Christians Infected with Prosperity Gospel

It’s a disease that’s rampant in the culture and in the church. People are inundated with messages from powerbrokers, media, entertainment, TV evangelists and bestselling authors that say joy is inextricably bound up in material prosperity, physical health, relational success and all the comforts and conveniences Western society provides. For most people, joy and suffering …

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