What Is Pragmatism & Why Is It Bad?

In a column published some years ago in a popular Christian magazine, a well-known preacher was venting his own loathing for long sermons. January 1 was coming, so he resolved to do better in the coming year. “That means wasting less time listening to long sermons and spending much more time preparing short ones,” he …

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Religious Relativism

By Paul Proctor May 23, 2004 NewsWithViews.com How many of you have heard that a church is built on relationships? According to a Pastors.com article by Rick Warren; after polling a group of church members, a friend of his told him he discovered that 93% of the people joined because of the pastor but that …

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A Clarion Call to the Modern Church

More than a decade ago, John MacArthur called modern churches to return to sound doctrine — we need to hear that call again. Christians historically have understood that their calling is to be in the world but not of the world. As Os Guinness pointed out in a perceptive series of articles on the church-growth …

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Pragmatism: What Is Pragmatism

What is pragmatism? Basically it is a philosophy that says that results determine meaning, truth, and value — what will work becomes a more important question than what is true. As Christians, we are called to trust what the Lord says, preach that message to others, and leave the results to Him. But many have …

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The Seven Solas of The Modern Church

The Seven Solas of the Modern Church: Sola Cultura – let culture define church life Sola Successa – Let numerical success legitimize activities Sola Entertaina – Let entertainment be the guiding principle Sola Edificia – Let the edifice be the center of church life Sola Programma – Let programs dominate the peoples time Sola Thralldoma …

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