Methodist Church: Return to Church of England

Anglican Covenant Methodist President and Vice-President in addressing the General Synod today affirmed commitment to a covenant relationship with the Church of England. “We are prepared to be changed as a Church if that will serve the needs of the Kingdom.” The President and the Vice-President of the Methodist Conference addressed the Church of England’s …

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Called and Separated – C.H. Spurgeon

For Christ’s sake the Christian man is henceforth obliged to be separated in many respects from such of his family and kindred as remain in their sins. They are living according to the flesh, they are seeking this world; their pleasure is here, their comfort below the skies. The man who is called by grace …

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Goodbye Emergent Church

Goodbye Emergent: Why I’m Taking The Theology of the Emerging Church To Task writes Jeremy Bouma … I’m not exactly sure when my saucy love affair with emergent and liberal Christianity ended. My “I don’t” isn’t as crystalized as my “I do.” Maybe it was when I read Pelagius‘ writings and realized much of Emergent …

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Televangelist Kenneth Copeland blasted for ‘Unfulfilled’ Promises

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has come under fire for failing to fly disaster relief supplies to Haiti’s earthquake victims after allegedly promising aviation assistance in the event of natural disasters. The international organisation, which is also under scrutiny by the Senate Finance Committee for possible abuse of its nonprofit status, has been accused of “unfulfilled” pledges …

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Why Evangelicals are Returning To Rome – Bob DeWaay

Bob DeWaay believes that the seedbed of this disenchantment within evangelicalism involves several factors, and includes the seeker sensitive movement.