The Happy Man
The Happy Man lives in the city of Regeneration, many times does jobs of Self-denial,
wears the garment of Humility, and the Robe of Christ’s Righteousness.
The Happy Man lives in the city of Regeneration, many times does jobs of Self-denial,
wears the garment of Humility, and the Robe of Christ’s Righteousness.
It is always the Holy Spirit’s work to turn our eyes away from self to Jesus. But Satan’s work is just the opposite; he is constantly trying to make us look at ourselves instead of Christ. He insinuates, ‘Your sins are too great for pardon; you have no faith; you do not repent enough; you …
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” – John 10:27 “My SHEEP,” saith Christ, as he stands in the midst of his disciples. “My Shepherd,” let us one and all reply. All the sheep of Christ who have been redeemed by his power, become his by their own cheerful …
“If God has called you to be really like Jesus in your spirit, He will draw you into a life of cruxifixion and humility, and put on you such demands of obedience that He will not allow you to follow other Christians; and in many ways He will seem to let other good people do …
The cost of being a true Christian. Let there be no mistake about my meaning. I am not examining what it costs to save a Christian’s soul. I know well that it costs nothing less than the blood of the Son of God to provide atonement, and to redeem man from hell. The price paid …
Neither is it a verbal acknowledgement, in owning that which Christ suffered at Jerusalem, which will free any from this charge and guilt. Unless the Lord Jesus Christ, that Christ which is God and man in one person, is owned, received, believed in, loved, trusted unto, and obeyed in all things, as He is proposed …