Evangelicals Challenged to Preach Bold Hard Truth

In a climate where dogmatism is the new heresy, many evangelicals have backed away from bold preaching while “freely imbibing” the spirit of the postmodern age, says one well-known minister. “It seems that zeal for the essential doctrines of biblical Christianity has become virtually as unacceptable among evangelicals and post-evangelicals as it always has been …

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Emerging Church South West UK

Sourced from Emerging Church “Fresh Expressions” UK website (bold emphasis added): More than 80 people from all over the south west peninsula gathered in Launceston to explore the implications of the fresh expressions movement for Devon and Cornwall.  Representatives came from churches as far apart as St Just in Penwith (near Land’s End), Paignton and east …

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Emergent Church Tony Jones Emergence Christianity

At his Beliefnet blog Tony Jones tells us he is “a leader in the emergent church movement and a renowned expert on postmodern theology and the American church landscape.” I certainly agree with the former; Jones surely is a leader within the egregiously ecumenical Emerging Church de-formation of the Christian faith aka Emergent Church—now morphing into Emergence Christianity—(EC). And …

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Emergent Church – Emergence Christianity

The Emergent Church By Jan Markell A not-so-funny thing happened on the way to the 21st century. In the late 20th century, certain leaders came out stating that we needed a “new way of doing church.” That old time religion wasn’t good enough. So in came new gimmicks replacing the solid gospel. We have seen …

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Fresh Expressions Defined Contemplative Sacramental Traditions

Take a look at this May 2009 Fresh Expressions Book launch: “Ancient Faith, Future Missions” Fresh Expressions in the Sacramental Traditions Fresh Expressions conjures up children’s clubs, cafe church and innovative youth work, yet this is not the whole story. Churches from the traditional wings of the church are being equally creative and imaginative, exploring …

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