Easy Believism – C.H. Spurgeon

I have known, in my short time, certain churches, in the paroxysms of delirium, meeting houses crowded, aisles filled, preachers stamping and thundering, hearers intoxicated with excitement, and persons converted by wholesale—even children converted by hundreds—they said thousands. Well, and a month or two after, where were the congregations? where were the converts? Echo has …

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Todd Bentley, Bob Jones, Patricia King – Astral Projection

Patricia King discussing with fellow “prophet” “seer” mentor Bob Jones and “revivalist” Todd Bentley,  the practice of visiting the “third heaven” Todd Bentley had previously called Bob Jones and described his visit to the “third heaven” during which time he was, of course, visited by angels. Todd Bentley explains how he first met with Bob Jones, …

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