There Is A Famine In The Land – Spiritual Discernment

There is a famine in the land: spiritual discernment is lacking in the Christian community. Though there are faithful pastors and Christians who take the word of God seriously, there is an increasing number of Christians who are abandoning the clarity and commands of Scripture and substituting political correctness, feelings, and tolerance for biblical truth …

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C.H. Spurgeon Worldly Preaching – John MacArthur

Last year, I listened to the following video excerpt from a DVD entitled “Does the Truth Matter Anymore?” published by CrossTV, wherein, John MacArthur critiques worldly preaching as he reminds us of the high cost men like Spurgeon were willing to pay to stand up for strong, biblical, Christ-centered teaching – Biblical Truth.

Hold Fast That Which Is Good

Hold Fast J.C. Ryle (1816-1900) “Hold fast that which is good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21 There are few things in religion which men are so ready to forget as the duty of “contending earnestly for the faith,” and holding fast the truth. Controversy is seldom popular. Most men like a quiet life in religion. They dislike …

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Charismatic Chaos – Marjoe Gortner and Todd Bentley

Charismatic Chaos manifestations and preaching in the Church today. Take a look at the following two short videos featuring the “ministries” Marjoe Gortner and Mr Todd Bentley – and see how and why these two ministries are linked together as such. In this short video, Marjoe Gortner explains the money making business of the False Profit …

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Evangelical Christianity Is Fighting For Its Very Life

“It seems to me that if any one problem outstrips all of the others in the church today, it is the utter lack of spiritual discernment (which is the ability to discern truth from error regarding God and the things of God.) The church today has boundless credulity (..they’ll believe virtually anything). And the result …

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