Todd Bentley, Bob Jones, Patricia King – Astral Projection

Patricia King discussing with fellow “prophet” “seer” mentor Bob Jones and “revivalist” Todd Bentley,  the practice of visiting the “third heaven” Todd Bentley had previously called Bob Jones and described his visit to the “third heaven” during which time he was, of course, visited by angels. Todd Bentley explains how he first met with Bob Jones, …

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There Is A Famine In The Land – Spiritual Discernment

There is a famine in the land: spiritual discernment is lacking in the Christian community. Though there are faithful pastors and Christians who take the word of God seriously, there is an increasing number of Christians who are abandoning the clarity and commands of Scripture and substituting political correctness, feelings, and tolerance for biblical truth …

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C.H. Spurgeon Worldly Preaching – John MacArthur

Last year, I listened to the following video excerpt from a DVD entitled “Does the Truth Matter Anymore?” published by CrossTV, wherein, John MacArthur critiques worldly preaching as he reminds us of the high cost men like Spurgeon were willing to pay to stand up for strong, biblical, Christ-centered teaching – Biblical Truth.

Catholic Mysticism In The Emerging Church

Richard Bennett, a former Roman Catholic Priest … “Catholic Mysticism and the Emerging Church may be one of the most important topics that we have addressed. Catholic mysticism has helped mightily to transform the New Age Movement from being counter-culture to being embraced by Evangelicals, and Western civilization as such. Catholic mysticism has affected almost …

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Beware The Shack

Beware The Shack, by author, John K. Langemann, compares the biblical God with the god created by the imagination of the creator of bestselling book “The Shack,” of which features in a Christian Bookshop near you! Millions of people around the world have been seduced into believing that the god of The Shack is the …

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