Emergent Church – Emergence Christianity

The Emergent Church By Jan Markell A not-so-funny thing happened on the way to the 21st century. In the late 20th century, certain leaders came out stating that we needed a “new way of doing church.” That old time religion wasn’t good enough. So in came new gimmicks replacing the solid gospel. We have seen …

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Signs and Wonders of Hypnosis Slain in Kundalini Hysteria

Signs and Wonders of Hypnosis A few years ago, during my research, viewed the full version of the video clip with psychic Prof Albert Ignatenko demonstrating how to “Slay” a person, as featured in the following two short videos, along with “Holy Healing Woman” laying on of hands and blowing onto the head of each …

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Comparision of Revivals and Kundalini Spirit

Charismatic Chaos Video Gallery Nothing New Under the Sun! In this short video, compare the spiritual manifestations of other religions, of the Kundalini, and the pentecostal (holy laughter) charismatic “Revivals.” Christians that have flocked in their thousands to Toronto, Brownsville and Lakeland, sadly, do not seem to realize that the manifestations at these places are …

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Kundalini Spirit

Kundalini Spirit Infiltrated Christianity? Kundalini Spirit and Charismatic Chaos in the Church. The Kundalini Spirit manifestations and meaning examined with Charismatic revival manifestations. I have been looking at the possibility that a Kundalini spirit, possible the main or head spirit, has masked itself as Christian and infiltrated many charismatic circles and is now in full …

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