The Happy Man
The Happy Man lives in the city of Regeneration, many times does jobs of Self-denial,
wears the garment of Humility, and the Robe of Christ’s Righteousness.
The Happy Man lives in the city of Regeneration, many times does jobs of Self-denial,
wears the garment of Humility, and the Robe of Christ’s Righteousness.
“If God has called you to be really like Jesus in your spirit, He will draw you into a life of cruxifixion and humility, and put on you such demands of obedience that He will not allow you to follow other Christians; and in many ways He will seem to let other good people do …
Jesus, ’tis my aim divine, Hence to have no will but thine, Let me covenant with thee, Thine for evermore to be: This my prayer, and this alone, Saviour, let thy will be done! Thee to love, to live to thee, This my daily portion be, Nothing to my Lord I give, But from him …
True Humility believes that one is seen as righteous before God based on Christ’s work alone
Many people have a false impression of the purpose of humility. They believe that it is a means by which we gain “approval” by God. That, by their “acts of humility,” they will earn a place in heaven. But this is totally backwards! Until we are saved, we are spiritually dead and unable to do …
Genuine humility doesn’t draw attention to itself, so it has a tendency to be overlooked by people. Of course, there are times people do not see it, because it is truly absent. But perhaps the greatest problem for many is that they have a false or distorted idea of what humility is. And this misunderstanding …