Contextual Theology – Falling from Truth through Emerging Church

By Roger Oakland In order for the emerging church to succeed, the Bible has to be looked at through entirely different glasses, and Christianity needs to be open to a new type of faith. Brian McLaren calls this new faith a “generous orthodoxy.”1 While such an orthodoxy allows a smorgasbord of ideas to be proclaimed …

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There Is A Famine In The Land – Spiritual Discernment

There is a famine in the land: spiritual discernment is lacking in the Christian community. Though there are faithful pastors and Christians who take the word of God seriously, there is an increasing number of Christians who are abandoning the clarity and commands of Scripture and substituting political correctness, feelings, and tolerance for biblical truth …

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Praise and Worship of Tweeting Technology

Tweeting during church services gets blessing of pastors It’s Sunday night at Woodlands Church, and Pastor Kerry Shook tells parishioners to pull out their cell phones. He has pocketed his own iPhone for now, but tells everyone else to turn theirs on. “OK guys, you can start the twitters,” he tells the crowd of about …

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10 Signs You May Have Entered The Emergent Church Zone

Emergent Church Zone: short video by Doug Eaton who points out ten specific signs that a church has entered the postmodern zone of pragmatism. Emerging churches haved Emerged in denial of the whole counsel of God rightly divided.  Instead, fresh expressions and new ways of doing church omitting the Truth of the Word of God unto those who are lost resultant in cast adrift on the sea of confusion.

10 Signs You May Have Entered The Emergent Church Zone


Pragmatism: What Is Pragmatism

What is pragmatism? Basically it is a philosophy that says that results determine meaning, truth, and value — what will work becomes a more important question than what is true. As Christians, we are called to trust what the Lord says, preach that message to others, and leave the results to Him. But many have …

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