Unity or Uniformity

“The promotion of unity at the expense of truth is satanic; it is demonic; it is not true unity. It is not the unity of the Holy Spirit for He is the Spirit of Truth. The Scriptural command which we have in Ephesians to promote the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace is given to those who have a common foundation of truth.   Truth by its very nature divides.  Where you have appeal to unity at the expense of truth all you can produce is uniformity.”

– William Webster

Spurgeon Quotes on Apostasy

The first step astray is a want of adequate faith in the divine inspiration of the sacred Scriptures.   C.H. Spurgeon In looking carefully over the history of the times, and the movement of the times, of which we have written briefly, this fact is apparent: that where ministers and Christian churches have held fast to …

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