Worldliness – C. H. Spurgeon

Worldliness: It is clear to every one who is willing to see it that laxity of doctrine is either the parent of worldliness, or is in some other way very near akin to it. The men who give up the old faith are the same persons who plead for latitude as to general conduct. The …

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Grow in Sanctification

Grow in Sanctification “Let your repentance be a growing habit, your faith an increasing faith, your holiness a progressive holiness, your victory over the world a more decided victory, your love to the brethren a more hearty love, your watchfulness over yourself a more jealous watchfulness.” J.C. Ryle (1816-1900) Regeneration p.42

Heart Cry UK Ministry

Prophetess Rachel Hickson, Heart Cry UK Ministry (Ministries), continues to roll out “prophesy” – NAR Dominion Kingdom Now style. Back in the early to mid-90’s, Rachel brought forth a prophecy for the UK :  “Revival is rolling in on the waves all around the shore of the UK” “The Revival” never happened, therefore, “False Prophetess …

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