Sola Fide – by Faith Alone

As an Ex-Roman Catholic, investigations into the Protestant doctrine of sola fide and sola scriptura, was, is, paramount.  Henceforth, apologetics is, of course, common place with regard to renouncing Roman Catholicism (from the cradle), wherein, I was lost. Born again of the Spirit of God (read the gospel of John) upon repentance and belief in …

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Scripture, Tradition, and Rome – Part 1 Part 2

John MacArthur The tendency to venerate tradition is very strong in religion. The world is filled with religions that have been following set traditions for hundreds–even thousands–of years. Cultures come and go, but religious tradition shows an amazing continuity. In fact, many ancient religions–including Druidism, Native American religions, and several of the oriental cults–eschewed written …

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The Pope and The Papacy (Pt 1) – John MacArthur

Motivated by money, it invented Purgatory. And by the way, Purgatory is what makes the whole system work. Take out Purgatory and it’s a hard sell to be a Catholic. People hang in there because of the deception of Purgatory. Purgatory is the safety net, when you die, you don’t go to hell. You go …

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Catholic Mysticism In The Emerging Church

Richard Bennett, a former Roman Catholic Priest … “Catholic Mysticism and the Emerging Church may be one of the most important topics that we have addressed. Catholic mysticism has helped mightily to transform the New Age Movement from being counter-culture to being embraced by Evangelicals, and Western civilization as such. Catholic mysticism has affected almost …

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UK Warnings of Mysticism Reported in 2004

From The Times : November 4, 2004 Spirited away: why the end is nigh for religion Christianity will be eclipsed by spirituality in 30 years, startling new research predicts. Our correspondent reports on the collapse of traditional religion and the rise of mysticism. In the beginning there was the Church. And people liked to dress …

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