Ecumenical Jihad – John MacArthur

According to some prominent evangelical leaders, we’ve been fighting the wrong war. Protestants, Catholics, and other religious people should quit bickering over issues of heaven and hell and unite in the culture war. Wait a minute…what’s wrong with this picture? httpv:// Sermon excerpt: A woman once wrote to me, she said she thought Christianity was …

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Vatican: Shared Ecumenical Catechism

Cardinal asks dialogue partners if an ecumenical catechism might work By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — A Vatican official has floated the idea of a shared “ecumenical catechism” as one of the potential fruits of 40 years of dialogue among Catholics, Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists and members of the Reformed churches. “We …

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Why Evangelicals are Returning To Rome – Bob DeWaay

Bob DeWaay believes that the seedbed of this disenchantment within evangelicalism involves several factors, and includes the seeker sensitive movement.

Sola Fide – by Faith Alone

As an Ex-Roman Catholic, investigations into the Protestant doctrine of sola fide and sola scriptura, was, is, paramount.  Henceforth, apologetics is, of course, common place with regard to renouncing Roman Catholicism (from the cradle), wherein, I was lost. Born again of the Spirit of God (read the gospel of John) upon repentance and belief in …

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Wider Mercy Salvation – Billy Graham

Through the years we have all become influenced by Billy Graham. One way or another he has, for us, been the spokesman for evangelical Christianity. He has become the symbol of gospel preachers to the world and even to the church. He, more than anyone else, has influenced evangelicalism through his preaching, through his cooperative …

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