Assurance of Salvation Denied Roman Catholic Church

Assurance of Salvation Denied Roman Catholic Church

Assurance of Salvation denied: Roman Catholic Church not only does not teach the doctrine of Assurance of Salvation, it preaches and teaches against it. Why? The explanation is quite simple. As long as you are uncertain, you are dependent upon the Church, you are dependent upon the priests. If you have assurance of salvation you …

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The Nature and Basis of Assurance by A. W. Pink

The Nature and Basis of Assurance. At the commencement of Matthew 5, we find the Lord Jesus pronouncing blessed a certain class of people. They are not named as “believers” or saints,” but instead are described by their characters; and it is only by comparing ourselves and others with the description that the Lord Jesus …

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C.H. Spurgeon: The Precious Blood of Christ

“The precious blood of Christ.” 1 Peter 1:19 Standing at the foot of the cross, we see hands, and feet, and side, all distilling crimson streams of precious blood. It is “precious” because of its redeeming and atoning efficacy. By it the sins of Christ’s people are atoned for; they are redeemed from under the …

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