A.W. Pink: Failure of the Pulpit

“During the last two or three generations the pulpit has given less and less prominence to doctrinal preaching, until today, with very rare exceptions, it has no place at all.  In some quarters the cry from the pew was, ‘we want living experience and not dry doctrine’; in others, ‘we need practical sermons and not …

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Benny Hinn PR Statement His Wife, Marriage & Divorce

Benny Hinn, who separated from his wife, Suzanne, on January 26, 2010, reads three-page statement addressed to his “ministry partners” regarding his wife, marriage and divorce – and his ministry (see Benny Hinn: “Show Must Go On) live on-air broadcast at TBN. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0-4wpMbjP8 Benny Hinn expresses previous PR statement “Pastor Benny Hinn and his immediate …

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Benny Hinn: The Show Must Go On

In a letter to ministry partners, evangelist Benny Hinn said he is praying God will heal his family. Hinn’s wife, Suzanne, filed for divorce from the high-profile minister Feb. 1. The filing says the couple had been separated since Jan. 26, according to the Associated Press. Hinn said his wife had been under great stress, …

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Rap That Showtime Religion

Can the church fight apathy and materialism by feeding people’s appetite for entertainment? Evidently many in the church believe the answer is yes, as church after church jumps on the show-business bandwagon. It is a troubling trend that is luring many otherwise orthodox churches away from biblical priorities. Church buildings are being constructed like theaters. …

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