The Word of Truth – A. W. Pink

The Word of Truth

The Word of Truth: one of the many titles given to the Holy Scriptures is “the Word of Truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). They are such because they are a communication from “the God of Truth” (Isaiah 65:17), a revelation from Him “who cannot lie” (Titus 1:2). Oh, the privilege of possessing such a blessing! Do …

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J.C. Ryle Believers Are A Little Flock

Believers are a little flock. This passage contains a gracious word of consolation for all true believers (Luke 12:32). Our Lord knew the hearts of his disciples well. He knew how ready they were to be filled with fears of every description, fears because of the fewness of their number, fears because of the multitude …

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C.H. Spurgeon: Doctrine and Holiness

My brethren, this is a lesson for us; let us never reckon that we have learned a doctrine till we have seen its bearing upon our lives. Whatever we discover in God’s word, let us pray the Holy Spirit to make us feel the sanctifying influence of it. You know not a man because you recognize his features, you must also know his spirit, and so the mere acquaintance with the letter of truth is of small account — you must feel its influence and know its tendency.

History of The English Bible

History of The English Bible commences with the first hand-written English language Bible manuscripts of the complete Bible produced by John Wycliffe. John Wycliffe, John Hus, The Lollards, and Roman Catholic Church AD 1382 The first hand-written English language Bible manuscripts of the complete Bible were produced by John Wycliffe (1320-1384), an Oxford professor, scholar, and theologian. …

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