Tony Blair: Secret Cash Oil Deal

Watchdog orders publication of former prime minister’s payment by oil firm that was kept secret for 20 months Tony Blair has received cash from a South Korean oil firm in a deal kept secret until the business appointments watchdog intervened, the Guardian has learned. After 20 months of secrecy, the former prime minister has now …

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Tony Blair, Rick Warren, to launch Faith Offensive across US

Former prime minister builds network of Christian allies as he prepares to launch a religious ‘offensive’ in North America Tony Blair is preparing to launch a “faith offensive” across the United States over the next year, after building up relationships with a network of influential religious leaders and faith organisations. With Afghanistan and Iraq casting …

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Fellowship in Truth

The Bible is the only authoritative source from which Christianity is derived. Sound strange? That used to be the defining characteristic of evangelicalism. Collectively evangelicals seem to have drifted far from that principle, and evangelicalism is taking on some strange shapes. httpv:// So the first thing that is true about the delivered, the true Christians, …

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You Cant Get There from Here

You can’t be a Christian without embracing that body of truth, “which was once for all delivered to the saints.”  Jude 3 So, what is that body of non-negotiable doctrine that must be believed to receive eternal life? For that matter, what is it to believe? httpv:// After briefly contrasting what can be known through …

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