Oprah Spirituality – Eastern Mysticism Repackaged For The West

The Dangers of the New Pop Spirituality Oprah Spirituality: How Eastern Mysticism is Being Nicely Repackaged and Deceiving Millions as a New Spirituality. Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson, Rhonda Byrne teach pantheism to Oprah’s audience. Presented by Pastor Bob DeWaay of Twin City Fellowship – CICministry, with excerpts from “Faith at Risk” seminar. Romans 1:25 “They changed …

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Why Evangelicals are Returning To Rome – Bob DeWaay

Bob DeWaay believes that the seedbed of this disenchantment within evangelicalism involves several factors, and includes the seeker sensitive movement.

10 Signs You May Have Entered The Emergent Church Zone

Emergent Church Zone: short video by Doug Eaton who points out ten specific signs that a church has entered the postmodern zone of pragmatism. Emerging churches haved Emerged in denial of the whole counsel of God rightly divided.  Instead, fresh expressions and new ways of doing church omitting the Truth of the Word of God unto those who are lost resultant in cast adrift on the sea of confusion.

10 Signs You May Have Entered The Emergent Church Zone


C.H. Spurgeon Worldly Preaching – John MacArthur

Last year, I listened to the following video excerpt from a DVD entitled “Does the Truth Matter Anymore?” published by CrossTV, wherein, John MacArthur critiques worldly preaching as he reminds us of the high cost men like Spurgeon were willing to pay to stand up for strong, biblical, Christ-centered teaching – Biblical Truth.

The Truth War (Part 1) (Part 2) John MacArthur

The Battle for the Truth according to the Word of God. Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception. Right now, truth is under attack, and it’s going on within the boundaries of evangelicalism. There’s a lot at stake and there’s no middle ground—no safe zone for the uncommitted in this war. Part 1 httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnO7tAI6UT4</ …

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