The Happy Man
The Happy Man lives in the city of Regeneration, many times does jobs of Self-denial,
wears the garment of Humility, and the Robe of Christ’s Righteousness.
The Happy Man lives in the city of Regeneration, many times does jobs of Self-denial,
wears the garment of Humility, and the Robe of Christ’s Righteousness.
“The marriage relation lies at the very root of the social system of nations. The public morality of a people, and the private happiness of the families which compose a people, are deeply involved in the whole question of the law of marriage” “Happy are they, who in the matter of marriage observe three rules. …
A whetstone, though it cannot cut, may sharpen a knife that will. C.H. Spurgeon If I had any human master he would have been out of patience with me long ago, but the Lord Jesus Christ never gives up a scholar; having once commenced to teach, he continues his divine lessons till they are fully …
“Repent and believe in the Gospel.” Mark 1:14-15 Our Lord Jesus Christ commences His ministry by announcing its leading commands. He comes up from the wilderness newly anointed, like the bridegroom from his chamber. His love notes are repentance and faith. He comes forth fully prepared for His office, having been in the desert, “tempted …
By Roger Oakland In order for the emerging church to succeed, the Bible has to be looked at through entirely different glasses, and Christianity needs to be open to a new type of faith. Brian McLaren calls this new faith a “generous orthodoxy.”1 While such an orthodoxy allows a smorgasbord of ideas to be proclaimed …
“Your word,” says the Psalmist, “is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105). It is like a lantern, which sheds light on our path, amid the darkness of the night, to direct the steps of our feet. The sincere Christian will therefore search the Word of God, for a …