Spurgeon Quote: Amusing Men
“I fear there are some who preach with the view of amusing men.” — Spurgeon
“I fear there are some who preach with the view of amusing men.” — Spurgeon
I’ll Be Honest : presents a brief, clear, message from Tim Conway httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK_UB2PHkOs regarding those who want to live, as a Christian, in the world and be of it. The Lord Jesus Christ said; “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” …
Article from Emerging Church “Fresh Expressions” UK website (bold emphasis added): “In August 2004 my wife Jo and I moved to Exeter from London to pursue a clear call from God to start a mission shaped charismatic church. We knew one couple there who knew others who were eager to do something. Our first gathering …
A Blast from the Past Brian McLaren, Rob Bell, and others from the Emergent camp write and speak winsomely about what they are offering, but history, not to mention Scripture, suggests great caution must be exercised at this point. Church historian Iain Murray reminds us that 19th century “liberal theology very rarely presented itself as …