Charismatic Chaos manifestations and preaching in the Church today.
Take a look at the following two short videos featuring the “ministries” Marjoe Gortner and Mr Todd Bentley – and see how and why these two ministries are linked together as such.
In this short video, Marjoe Gortner explains
the money making business of the False Profit
And in this short video, we look at the remarkably similar
“ministries” of Marjoe Gortner and Todd Bentley
Marjoe Gortner – when aged three years of age, his father, a third generation minister, noticed his son’s talent for mimicry and overall fearlessness of strangers and public settings. His parents claimed Marjoe had received a vision from God during a bath and began training him to deliver sermons, complete with dramatic gestures and emphatic lunges. Alas, Marjoe Gortner started as Evangelist Preacher at age 4.
Please Note: Todd Bentley video comparing his format of preaching with that of Marjoe Gortner is no longer available on YouTube accounts.
It’s worth noting that Marjoe was able to produce similar “manifestations” in his meetings as were seen in Lakeland and continue to be seen in Toronto etc. Yet he didn’t believe in God and just regarded his “act” as psychological trickery. I think that says a lot – in particular that what goes on in revival meetings results from crowd manipulation and mass hypnosis and is not the result of “demonic spirits” as some would suggest. However, obviously the deception involved comes from the deceiver.