J.C. Ryle’s Daily Devotional book entitled “Daily Readings – From All Four Gospels” [published 1998]
Here is an excerpt from this morning’s devotional with scripture reference Matthew 1:1-17 (Luke 3:23-38)
Let no one think these verses are useless. Nothing is useless in creation. The least mosses and the smallest insects serve some good end. Nothing is useless in the Bible. Every word of it is inspired. The chapters and verses which at first seem unprofitable are all given for some good purpose.
We learn from this list of names that God always keeps his word. He had promised that in Abraham’s seed all the nations of the earth should be blessed. He had promised to raise up a Saviour of the family of David (Genesis 12:3; Isaiah 11:1). These sixteen verses prove that Jesus was the son of David and the son of Abraham, and that God’s promise was fulfilled. Thoughtless and ungodly people should be afraid. Whatever they may think, God will keep his word. If they repent not, they will surely perish. True Christians should take comfort. Their Father in heaven will be true to all his engagements. He has said that he will save all believers in Christ, if he has said it he will certainly do it.