Emergent Church Tony Jones Emergence Christianity

At his Beliefnet blog Tony Jones tells us he is “a leader in the emergent church movement and a renowned expert on postmodern theology and the American church landscape.” I certainly agree with the former; Jones surely is a leader within the egregiously ecumenical Emerging Church de-formation of the Christian faith aka Emergent Church—now morphing into Emergence Christianity—(EC).

And further, I also fully agree with the following, which  Tony Jones stated today. You see, he just happens to be among those in the EC who are going to make this happen because mainstream evangelicalism is seemingly completely bereft of leaders with the discerment—and the courage—to confront this growing gay lobby, which arrived within its walls via the Trojan Horse of the Emerging Church:

I will say this: I think we can see Cornerstone as a sort of belwether of evangelicalism. Five and ten years ago, the seminar tents were populated with seminars on modern, evidential apologetics (Norman Geisler was a name I heard a lot) and pro-life stragegy sessions. Today, the seminars are on creation care, developing new monastic communities, centering prayer, and human rights. Phyllis Tickle and I talked about the great emergence. And, for the first time at Cornerstone, Christians who favor gay rights and GLBT inclusion in the church were allowed to speak alongside those from “ex-gay” ministries.

This is the shift that’s taking place in evangelicalism, people. Get ready for it.
(Online source, bold his)

Here is a good place for me to repeat the following warning: The sad truth is that there’s a dark and threatening same-sex storm growing, which is rapidly picking up speed through the embrace of corrupt Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism—and now even within alleged Reformed circles—of the pretending to be “Protestant” sectors of the visible church.

And this growing and very angry storm, while currently just slightly off the coast of the mainstream evangelical community, is right now approaching hurricane force…

Article source: Tony Jones and Ken Silva Agree