Take a look at this May 2009 Fresh Expressions Book launch:
“Ancient Faith, Future Missions”
Fresh Expressions in the Sacramental Traditions
Fresh Expressions conjures up children’s clubs, cafe church and innovative youth work, yet this is not the whole story. Churches from the traditional wings of the church are being equally creative and imaginative, exploring alternative ways of worshipping and being Christian communities. Their focus may be more contemplative than action-packed, but the place of encounter with God needs space and silence.
Practitioners from such churches tell their stories and reflect theologically on the initiatives they are exploring. Some of the very best names in the field have contributed to this book which will make a unique and important contribution to the understanding and practice of mission today. This title includes many well-known contributors: Rowan Williams, Brian McLaren, Steven Croft, Stephen Cottrell, Richard Giles, Phyllis Tickle and priest missioners from traditional Anglican parishes and emergent churches in the US.
Fresh Expressions | Phase 2 (June 2009) | website:
Fresh Expressions of The Sacramental Traditions
“Fresh Expressions of Church drawing on the Contemplative and Catholic Traditions, including New Monasticism“
Finally, The Truth!
Emergence Christianity
The Road Way “Back Home to Rome”
** UPDATE ** New “Monasticism” website (UK) New Monasticism Network
New “Monasticism website (North America)New Monasticism