Heart Cry UK Ministry

Prophetess Rachel Hickson, Heart Cry UK Ministry (Ministries), continues to roll out “prophesy” – NAR Dominion Kingdom Now style.

Back in the early to mid-90’s, Rachel brought forth a prophecy for the UK :  “Revival is rolling in on the waves all around the shore of the UK”

“The Revival” never happened, therefore, “False Prophetess ”  is aptly, Biblically, applied.

Rachel Hickson is a founding member of the “UK Prophetic Roundtable” along with Sharon Stone, Martin Scott, Sue Mitchell and others.

The following delegates attended the November 2008 UK Prophetic Council:

Helen Anderson, Julie Anderson, Rhona Bailey, Simon Braker, Stefan Driess, Suzanne Ferrett, Maria Fox, Steve Hepden, Barbara Jenkinson, Karen Lowe, Machelle Joseph, Nonnie McVeigh , David Powell, Sarah Rowlinson, Sue Sinclair, Deborah Smith, Emma Stark, Sharon Stone and Jenny Watson.

Apparently, I was not there, but, I have heard a “good report,”  thus, once again, the prophesies for 2009 merely tickled the ears of those present at the meeting, New Apostolic Reformation style.

Thus, I remain wary of  the “Heart Cry” of false prophets, with sound reason.

As for Revival :  True Revival requires True Repentance.

Recently, noted on sale at the website:  https://www.heartcry.co.uk Rachel Hickson’s new book “Meditations for those who are too tired to read the Bible for themselves … but know they need to hear God speak.”

There is only one way to hear God in your life again, and that is to repent and be genuinely spirit led to read and study your Bible.

Not some latest self-help book.

And, of course, there is a delightfully illustrated  “how to sow your financial seeds”

Nothing new under the sun!

Well, apparently, there is an Apostolic Prophecy Forum in London, of which, displays the details of the above mentioned UK Prophetic Council – UK Prophetic Roundtable November 2008 meeting, under the heading:

UK Prophetic Council’s Collective Word for 2009

Here is the website page:  https://www.londonpropheticforum.com/prophecies_8.html (scroll down slightly).

“Test All Things”

According to The Word of God

1 Thessalonians 5:21

“Beware of False Prophets”

Rachel Hickson Apostolic

1 John 4:1

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but test the spirits whether they are of God:
because many false prophets are gone out into the world

2 Corinthians 11:13

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.”