J. C. Ryle on False Pastors

J C Ryle on False Pastors : Those who think that unsound ministers ought never to be exposed and held up to notice, and men ought never to be warned against them, would do well to study this passage.

John 10 The Good Shepherd and His Sheep.

No class of character throughout our Lord’s ministry seems to call forth such severe denunciation as that of false pastors. The reason is obvious. Other men ruin themselves alone: false pastors ruin their flocks as well as themselves.

To flatter all ordained men, and say they never should be called unsound and dangerous guides, is the surest way to injure the Church and offend Christ.

The true pastor’s first care is for his sheep. The false pastor’s first thought is for himself.

J C Ryle on False Pastors : Warnings to The Churches

J C Ryle On False Pastors

We should no more tolerate false doctrine than we would sin.

J C Ryle on False Pastors.