Assurance of Salvation Denied Roman Catholic Church

Assurance of Salvation Denied Roman Catholic Church

Assurance of Salvation denied: Roman Catholic Church not only does not teach the doctrine of Assurance of Salvation, it preaches and teaches against it. Why? The explanation is quite simple. As long as you are uncertain, you are dependent upon the Church, you are dependent upon the priests. If you have assurance of salvation you …

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Cross Exchanged For A Crown

Humbling and painful as these truths may sound, it is good for all of us to realize them and take them to heart. The houses we live in, the homes we love, the riches we accumulate, the professions we follow, the plans we formulate, the relations we enter into—they are only for a time. “What …

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Revere the Lord

I very much demur to the designation, “To the Reverend C. H. Spurgeon,” for no ‘reverence’ is due to me! Assuredly, ‘Reverend’ and ’sinner’ make a curious combination.  And as I know I am the second, I repudiate the first. To me, it is surprising that such a flattering title should have been invented, and …

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The Cost of Being a True Christian

The cost of being a true Christian. Let there be no mistake about my meaning. I am not examining what it costs to save a Christian’s soul. I know well that it costs nothing less than the blood of the Son of God to provide atonement, and to redeem man from hell. The price paid …

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Truth Sincerity of Mind Compared to Girdle

Girded with Truth Sincerity

Truth, which means sincerity of mind, is compared to a girdle; which girds on all the other pieces of our armour, so as to be girded about with truth.

Now, a girdle was, in ancient times, one of the most important parts of military armor. Our attention is thus directed to the fountain of sincerity; for the purity of the gospel ought to remove from our minds all guile, and from our hearts all hypocrisy.