Warnings about the Emergent Church Movement

Here we have Rob Bell teaching, indeed, expounding the benefits of breathing in Yoga! httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z6jAXuSaYI “How would you feel if your pastor tried to teach you breathing exercises specific to prayer? What if he told you that your deepest fear is that you are powerful beyond all measure, or that unrepentant homosexuals can still be …

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Faith Undone (4)

The Evangelization of Eucharistic Adoration The Roman Catholic Church has a plan to establish the Kingdom of God here on Earth and win the world to the Roman Catholic Jesus – the Eucharist Christ.  It is believed the “triumph of the Eucharist” will be accomplished when the world (including the separated brethren) come under the …

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Faith Undone (3)

Ancient-Future Worship The emerging church embraces multi-sensory worship.  While many are bewildered as to why their churches are darkening their sanctuaries, setting up prayer stations with candles, incense, and icons, the promoters of the emerging church movement say they know exactly what they are doing by practising mysticism through music, rituals, worship and offering. and …

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Faith Undone (2)

Riding the Emerging Church Wave How far is this new kind of church willing to go to reach its objective?  Emerging church proponents say there is a new wave taking place and we have to hop on.  The wave is a Vintage Christianity, which in reality is an experience based religion.  Experience must be implemented …

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