Humility (2)

Many people have a false impression of the purpose of humility. They believe that it is a means by which we gain “approval” by God. That, by their “acts of humility,” they will earn a place in heaven. But this is totally backwards! Until we are saved, we are spiritually dead and unable to do …

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Humility (1)

Genuine humility doesn’t draw attention to itself, so it has a tendency to be overlooked by people. Of course, there are times people do not see it, because it is truly absent. But perhaps the greatest problem for many is that they have a false or distorted idea of what humility is. And this misunderstanding …

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Contrite Heart – Broken Heart – Humble Heart

A contrite heart, a broken heart, a humble heart. Whilst these may appear to be different ways of saying the same thing – they do have different meanings, and as such, with sincerity of heart, I sought to understand. What is a contrite heart? What does the Bible mean when it says; a broken heart? …

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Clarity of Scripture – Part 5

5. McLaren and Conservative Evangelicals Fifth, McLaren strongly criticizes those who believe that the Bible can be interpreted clearly. This criticism is most sharply leveled at Reformed conservatives–namely, those who are most committed to the clear teachings of Scripture, and the propositional truths found in the Bible. For example, McLaren compares the five points of …

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