Assurance of Salvation Denied Roman Catholic Church

Assurance of Salvation Denied Roman Catholic Church

Assurance of Salvation denied: Roman Catholic Church not only does not teach the doctrine of Assurance of Salvation, it preaches and teaches against it. Why? The explanation is quite simple. As long as you are uncertain, you are dependent upon the Church, you are dependent upon the priests. If you have assurance of salvation you …

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Sanctified Through The Truth – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Sanctified Through The Truth “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” – John 17:17 Every one of the New Testament epistles is divided into two sections — doctrine and the application of the doctrine. Paul, for example, puts it so perfectly in Romans 6:1, ‘What shall we say then? Shall we continue in …

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Sola Fide – by Faith Alone

As an Ex-Roman Catholic, investigations into the Protestant doctrine of sola fide and sola scriptura, was, is, paramount.  Henceforth, apologetics is, of course, common place with regard to renouncing Roman Catholicism (from the cradle), wherein, I was lost. Born again of the Spirit of God (read the gospel of John) upon repentance and belief in …

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Repent and Believe the Gospel of Good News

And what is the prescribed response? Is it to walk down an aisle? Is it to fill out a card, or to lift up a hand? Is it to make an appointment with a preacher, or to decide to be baptized and join the church? While any of those things may be involved, none of …

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Humility (2)

Many people have a false impression of the purpose of humility. They believe that it is a means by which we gain “approval” by God. That, by their “acts of humility,” they will earn a place in heaven. But this is totally backwards! Until we are saved, we are spiritually dead and unable to do …

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