Evangelicals Challenged to Preach Bold Hard Truth

In a climate where dogmatism is the new heresy, many evangelicals have backed away from bold preaching while “freely imbibing” the spirit of the postmodern age, says one well-known minister. “It seems that zeal for the essential doctrines of biblical Christianity has become virtually as unacceptable among evangelicals and post-evangelicals as it always has been …

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Warnings about the Emergent Church Movement

Here we have Rob Bell teaching, indeed, expounding the benefits of breathing in Yoga! httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z6jAXuSaYI “How would you feel if your pastor tried to teach you breathing exercises specific to prayer? What if he told you that your deepest fear is that you are powerful beyond all measure, or that unrepentant homosexuals can still be …

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