Excerpt from an article entitled “Home to Rome” by Roger Oakland of Understand the Times …
In this commentary we have been gaining insights from a book titled The Path to Rome: Modern Journeys to the Catholic Church. The purpose in presenting statements from this book is to document there is a path to Rome and there are many who are traveling it.
Further, this book provides a glimpse of what lies ahead as the pope’s New Evangelization program continues. We can expect many more unsuspecting victims will be drawn into an ecumenical web by Emerging Church evangelists who are paving a mystical path to Rome, perhaps without knowing it.
One more quote from The Path to Rome will show how the facts support what I am saying. Longenecker writes:
Evangelicals are becoming more “catholic”. In Britain Christianity magazine, a trendy Evangelical publication, explores Ignatian spirituality, Benedictine retreats, pilgrimages, liturgy and Gregorian chant. At the same time, Evangelical leaders are less shy about asking “catholic” techniques of prayer and worship. In America, churches where candles and set liturgy would—even ten years ago—be unheard of, are celebrating Lent and Advent with crosses, candles, ashes and liturgies borrowed from Catholics and Anglicans. [10]
Now, in order to make one more attempt to sound a wake-up call for those who are interested, here is a final statement proving that the “path to Rome” is real and inevitable:
It is hoped that this collection (book) may play a part in helping Catholics understand why others want to join the Catholic Church, and help Evangelicals and other Protestants understand the call of the Catholic Church to unity.
Then continuing with these words that are prophetic in light of the apostasy prophesied in the Bible:
But at the grass roots level the Spirit may be doing a new, and even a greater creative work—bringing a new church out of the chaos of division. If a new Pentecost is germinating, it will produce a church unfettered by the old denominational, national, doctrinal and historical prejudices. The building of this new Church may be part of the “second spring” which Newman prophesied; a Second Spring in which old differences of the second millennium are buried once and for all, and a newly unified Church emerges ready for the challenge of the third millennium. [11]
When the Emerging Church finishes emerging, it will have merged with Rome, and the great delusion will have been accomplished.