When we pray, we come unto him in the confidence of Christ’s merits, and thus offering up our prayers, they shall be heard for Christ’s sake. Yea, Christ will offer them up for us, that offered up once his sacrifice to God, which was acceptable; and he that cometh with any other mean than this, God knoweth him not…. And so, to make an end: this must be done with a constant faith and a sure confidence in Christ. Faith, faith, faith; we are undone for lack of faith. Christ nameth faith here, faith is all together: ‘When the Son of man shall come, shall he find faith on the earth?’ Why speaketh he so much of faith? Because it is hard to find a true faith. He speaketh not of a political faith, a faith set up for a time; but a constant, a permanent, a durable faith, as durable as God’s word.
Hugh Latimer (1485-1555)