Tony Blair Faith Foundation news update courtesy of Ruth Gledhill of Times Online …
‘Each was made to feel an outsider. Each stood out against the conventional teaching of the time. Each believed in the universal appeal of God to humanity. Each was a change-maker.’
Who is Tony Blair talking about here?
Answer below.
Read the full speech he has delivered October 7, 2009 at the Common Word conference at George Town university.
Too often, he said, faith is abused to do wrong.
‘We face an aggressive secular attack from without. We face the threat of extremism from within.’
He also revealed that Judaism might be brought into the Common Word dialogue structure.
Last year, the headline speaker at the conference was Rowan Williams.
In the comment at the top, Tony Blair was talking about Christ, and the Prophet Mohammed.
Excerpt of Speech delivered by Tony Blair “a Common Word between us and you: a Global Agenda for change” at Georgetown University on Wednesday, October 7, 2009
“We, Christians and Muslims, represent around half the world’s population. In an era of globalisation, when nations are interdependent, change happens at a rate unsurpassed in human history and people of varied races, colours and creeds are thrown together as never before, getting on together matters. Actually, if we can get on, the twenty first century world can get on.
It’s true we are different. But then so were our founders. Jesus Christ was a Jew who gave birth to Christianity. The Holy Prophet was steeped in study of the books of the Bible and was chosen to recite the Qur’an. Each was made to feel an outsider. Each stood out against the conventional teaching of the time. Each believed in the universal appeal of God to humanity. Each was a change-maker.”
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